University of Konstanz


Political Representation, Advanced BA Seminar (Winter Semester 2022–23).

Parties and Voters in Europe, Advanced BA Seminar (Winter Semester 2022–23).

The study of political elites, Advanced BA Seminar (x3; Summer Semester 2020; 2021; 2022). Syllabus.

Parties and Party Systems, Advanced BA Seminar (x2; Winter Semester 2020-21; 2021-22). Syllabus.

Introduction to Legislative Studies, Advanced BA Seminar (Winter Semester 2020-21).

The Political System of Spain, Advanced BA Seminar (Winter Semester 2019-20).

Research Colloquium, BA Theses workshop (Winter Semester 2022–23).


Political Parties and Political Conflict in Europe, Master BA Seminar (Winter Semester 2022–23).

Analysis of Legislative Behavior, Master Seminar (x4; Summer Semester 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023). Syllabus.

Research Colloquium, MA Theses workshop (Winter Semester 2022–23).

BA/MA Theses Supervision

Supervision of 4 MA and 5 BA theses.

University of Bamberg


Party Competition and Political Conflict in Europe, Advanced BA Seminar (Summer Semester 2019).

The Political System of Spain, Advanced BA Seminar (x3; Winter Semester 2016-17; 2017-18; 2018-19).


The Rise and Fall of European Social Democracy, Master Seminar (Winter Semester 2018-19).