Journal articles
Martínez-Cantó, Javier. Christian Breunig and Laura Chaqués (2023) Foxes and hedgehogs in Legislatures: When do MPs become specialists or generalists? Legislative Studies Quarterly. Open access.
Martínez-Cantó, Javier, and Tània Verge (2023) Interpersonal resources and insider/outsider dynamics in party office. Comparative Political Studies, SAGE, 56 (1): 131–157. Open access.
Geese, Lucas, and Javier Martínez-Cantó (2022) Working as a team: Do legislators coordinate their geographic representation efforts in party-centred environments? Party Politics. Open access.
Martínez-Cantó, Javier, and Henning Bergmann (2020) Government termination in multilevel settings. How party congruence affects the survival of sub-national governments in Germany and Spain. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 30 (3): 379–399. Preprint.
Astudillo, Javier, and Javier Martínez-Cantó (2020) Political professionalization, subnational style: Political insiders and the selection of candidates for regional premiership in Spain. Regional & Federal Studies, Taylor & Francis, 30 (4): 557–578. Preprint.
Martínez-Cantó, Javier (2021) "Party soldiers: The selection of electoral leaders in parliamentary democracies", Bamberg: Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
Martínez-Cantó, Javier (2020) Partidismo y (des)lealtad federal en el Estado autonómico español [Partisanship and federal (dis)loyalty in Spain]. Barcelona: Fundació Catalunya-Europa. ISBN: 978-84-09-25948-9. Open access.
Reviewed at Revista Española de Ciencia Política, No. 60. Nov 2022, pp. 291-295.
Book chapters
Martínez-Cantó, Javier; and Astudillo, Javier (2021) The outcomes of party primaries: (Dis)continuity in top candidates’ political and partisan profiles. In: Sandri G and Seddone A (eds), New Paths for Selecting Political Elites: Investigating the Impact of Inclusive Candidate and Party Leader Selection Methods, Routledge. Preprint.